RAFAEL- The Cyber Defender of the Cyber Nation

Rafael has more than 20 years of proven experience in the cyber arena; its approach goes beyond the traditional Cyber Security evolving to Cyber Defense. Following this perspective, the solution approach is more than a reactive solution against cyber-attacks; Rafael Cyber Solution integrates and correlates the strategic and tactical information gathered about threats and potential attackers from different information sources (internal and external), bringing cyber enrichment as a tool for making decisions and producing proactive defense based on advanced automation. The tools, solutions and knowledge provided are the core capabilities needed for creating an efficient and up-to-date incident response team.

RAFAEL Cyber Defense Center (RCDC)

This end-to-end, granularly customizable defense command center provides cyber security for any defense, civilian, utilities, or critical infrastructure requirements, scaling from a small SOC, to a national-level CERT


This superior, patented cyber defense solution for SCADA & ICS handles new cyber threats emerging on SCADA and ICS systems, keeping systems operational while preventing long-lasting, significant economic damage.

RAFAEL’s track record in the cyber realm includes, several national level projects,  including delivery of a cyber defense solution for the Bank of Israel Credit Rating Registrar, National CERT for the Israeli National Cyber Security directorate, a unique OT/IT SOC for the Israeli railway and a CERT integrated with several SOC’s for the Argentinean MOD as an infrastructure for hosting the G20 summit in 2018.

For further information